
domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015


Hi guys!!!

Nowadays there are more brands which offer carbon options in their bikes, and sometimes they're not much more expensive than the aluminum ones. Of course we're talking about high and middle range bicycles.

One of the main questions that bikers consider is... carbon or aluminum?... The answer is: it depends...

I have used both of them and I can say that in my case I've never had any extremely serious problem, but I'm in favour of carbon bicycles. One of the main reasons why I'm so is the resistance they offer.

In another post I'll try to make a review of my current bicycle, an Ibis Mojo HDR 27.5 but today I'm bringing you a text from Ibis website where they explain how they proced to make carbon fiber bicycles.


A video is worth a thousand words... I love the next video because it shows what it is. If you still hesitate about the strength of carbon enjoy it, it's simply amazing...

I hope this contribution helps you in your choice or simply having let you know a little bit more about carbon bicycles...

Ciao ciao! 

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